Sounds Of Ukuleles in Lapeer
SOUL is now meeting at Lapeer County Medical Care Facility “Suncrest”.

Sounds Of Ukuleles in Lapeer is a ukulele group that meets monthly to strum and fellowship with other music lovers. SOUL is open to all levels of players, from beginner to experienced. They share music and offer a chance to play the ukulele in a comfortable, happy, nonjudgmental environment. If a beginner would like tips to better their abilities, members are glad to help. The main purpose of SOUL is to have fun!
SOUL meets the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Lapeer County Medical Care Facility, “Suncrest”, 1455 Suncrest Drive, Lapeer. All you need to bring with you is your ukulele. If you don't have a ukulele, you can borrow one. Sheet music is provided for each new member, and all music will be projected onto a screen in the room.